The new Flexcell® FX-6000 Tension System and other cell culture products to be shown at the DGZ conference in Leipzig

Dunn Labortechnik will present a variety of cell culture products and the new Flexcell® FX-6000 Tension System from the American company Flexcell International at the International Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ) from 17th to 19th September, on booth no. 5 in the auditorium building of the University of Leipzig.


Just as the FX-5000 Tension System, which continues to be available, the new FX-6000 system is a computer controlled bioreactor that applies cyclic or static tensile strain to cells in monolayer or 2D/3D cultures allowing users to simulate in vivo tissue strains and frequencies.
The new FX-6000 Tension System – improved to work with a single digital valve – functions with both regulated vacuum pressure and positive air pressure to move flexible-bottomed culture plates more effectively. The added application of positive pressure in the new system facilitates the return of the membrane to its neutral position more effectively than only atmospheric pressure. Therefore, the FX-6000 Tension System generates even smoother waveforms with no overshoot or oscillation in waveform. The addition of dry compressed air helps to reduce possible build-up of moisture in the system, thus keeping maintenance to a minimum.

In addition, further interesting laboratory equipment and consumables for working in the cell biological laboratory will be presented. These include, representative of the various models of bioreactors with volumes from 300 ml to 100 l and the matching components, a 2 l bioreactor with 16 connections and a selection of accessories from Chemglass Life Sciences.
Furthermore, you can test different Capp pipettes and inform yourself on a variety of other products, such as multi-position magnetic stirrers with spinner flasks from Bellco Glass, a "GlucCell" Glucose Monitoring Kit from Cesco Bioengineering, plates and reservoirs from Porvair Sciences, and a wide range of immunoreagents from different manufacturers.

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Dr. Eva-Maria Küch / Dr. Marcel Nowak • Product Manager
Dunn Labortechnik GmbH • Thelenberg 6 • DE-53567 Asbach
Tel. +49 (2683) 4 30 94 • Fax +49 (2683) 4 27 76
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